Big Brother Spoilers: Rachel Reilly Returns to The Bold and the Beautiful

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She’s the half-million-dollar waitress! Big Brother 13 winner Rachel Reilly will appear on The Bold and the Beautiful’s Halloween episodes (October 28 and 31) in a role she’s played eight times previously — a drink-server named Rachel at the show’s tropical hangout Bikini Beach. Look for her in scenes with bad apple Amber Moore (Adrienne Frantz).

The raucous, love-to-hate-her redhead, who formerly served cocktails at the Las Vegas hot spot Aria, will be joined on the CBS soap by her fiancé and Big Brother partner Brendon Villegas. A physicist who is currently pursuing a PhD at UCLA, Villegas plays the role of the bartender at Bikini Beach (named Brendon, natch!). The lovebirds made their B&B debut in October 2010 and were last seen on the soap in April.

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BB King

Wait a minute! I thought Brendon is no longer into physics but rather pursuing a career in medicine. Remember, he said he was going to cure cancer and make millions of dollars. He changed his mind and went back to physics?


I think his PhD was in physics.. his area of study was radiation therapy for cancer patients.


UH!!! That’s Sucks!!!! When Rachel will Break Janelle’s HOH record? As right now, if it allstars. Who is a HG”S Alumni can break Janelle & Rachel’s HOH Record?


In doing a search of the site, I’ve noticed you’re the only one who’s concerned about this “record”. It wasn’t even brought up during the show. Is there anyone else out there that cares?


That is another twist and manipulation for Rachel ala julie moonves! Smh!


Very happy to hear this! I asked her if she would be back on B&B at the wrap party and she said they were already in talks. I’ve grown up watching The Bold and the Beautiful so I love it. Rachel was hilarious on there before and even said, “no one comes between me and my man.” The character of Amber is very much like Rachel’s Big Brother persona so that is perfect for them to be in scenes together.

Cassi told me she already filmed her scenes on B&B too. That makes Rachel, Brendon, Jeff, Jordan, Cassi, Marcelles, and Drew Daniel who have all been on BB and B&B. Love it.


i love brenchel!!!!!!


So she has played a role on B&B 8 times befor and is broke? Wouldn’t you say she has gotten paid for all 8 of those time? Then why is she so horribly broke and needing money for a down payment on a home? I know money don’t last forever but I am just curious if she was really broke or did she just say that on the show to make it look good for her? I truely felt they were broke and needed money but when you have a chance to make money as working on t.v then you should learn how to spend money! I like her don’t get me wrong I am just curious I guess!!!


Day players don’t make much. Probably didn’t make more than a few grand…

Frank Granda jr.

Good for Rachel & Brendon! All in all they made “drama” inside the BB house alot of fun. Who can forget how funny it was on Dani’s birthday when Rachel was inside the kitchen tormenting her! LOL Boy, did Dani deserve that or what? After all, Dani kept hoping Rachel was pregnant and kept saying she wished Rachel would have a miscarriage while playing HOH comp. Now Dani WAS the REALLY sick one!!! Anyway, the best revenge was Brenchel winning the 1/2 million bucks 🙂 So I guess Dani DID have to waste her entire summer to write Rachel and Brendon a big paycheck LOL


the headline Rachel returns to The Bold and the Beautiful is hilarious. I 3watch the B&B everyday, and whenever Rachel appeared it was so briefly that only because I knew she was going to be on it that day, and only because I know her face that I could distinguish her from the cast. She comes in to tend to a table and sets the drinks on the table, the actors sitting there didn’t even acknowledge her or anything. You can see she is dying to say something, but her part doesn’t call for talking. And to say she appeared eight times is a joke. Brendon is behind the bar and also does not speak. Mute dummies!!! She is scheduled to appear again, maybe now that she is half million richer they will allow one more minute and a word or two. Cassie, however got a real part playing herself as a model on The B&B. This is killing Rachel, I am sure!!!


Looking forward to seeing rach and brendon on bold and the beautiful they both were on young and the restless last year!!

Frank Granda jr.

Hey Anon, you sure are fickle. The two posts from you above are very contradictory. You either want to see Rachel & Brandon or you don’t. Which is it? Like so many other people on this site, you all have a love/hate relationship with them. Pick a side….Thanks